NY Outdoor Expo Overnight
Overnight Bus Trip to the New York Outdoor Expo 2016
Feed your passion for the great outdoors or discover and develop a love for one or more great outdoor activities. Enjoy food and drinks and demos. Visit with Certified Catskill Mountain Guides, take a hike with them, find out and sign up for trips near and far, see and buy the latest outdoor gear through local retailers, and learn from local area experts on all the latest outdoor news and information.
Hop on one of our Urban Sherpa coaches at the usual Union Square or Times Square locations. Spring fun out of the city doesn’t get easier than this quick getaway!
Need tents or sleeping bags?
Interested in the single-day trip?
Logistics | Pickups & Departures
Pickup/Dropoff Locations
Times Square
42nd Street between Seventh & Eighth Avenues, New Victory Theatre -
Union Square
On the Corner of Fourth Avenue & 14th Street in front of ATT and FEDEX
Union Square | Times Square | |
Depart | 7:15 AM | 7:30 AM |
Depart NY Outdoor Expo Overnight | 5:00 PM | |
Return | 7:45PM | 7:30 PM |
Permissions Slip for Minors
A parent or legal guardian must complete and bring along a Minor Permissions Slip for each child age sixteen (16) and under.