COVID-19 Safety Statement

Urban Sherpa Travel is committed to the health and safety of our guests and our team. Please be aware that exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location where people are present. We have taken numerous steps to reduce this inherent risk and ask that you familiarize yourself with our COVID-19 health and safety requirements and precautions prior to your visit. You should evaluate your own level of risk when determining whether to visit. By traveling with Urban Sherpa Travel you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with your attendance as we have explained them to you.

In response to COVID-19, Urban Sherpa Travel has implemented the following safety measures to promote the health and safety of our guests and employees:

  • All guests and employees must wear a face mask or covering that fully covers the entire mouth and nose, fits snugly against the side of the face, and secures under the chin at all times while onboard and in stations, unless actively eating or drinking while stationary and maintaining appropriate physical distancing
  • Guests must maintain social distancing when on board, entering, or exiting the bus
  • To meet social distancing guidelines, passenger capacity per bus will be reduced on our buses
  • Guests should seat themselves with social distancing in mind
  • The first row behind the driver will not be open for passengers
  • Urban Sherpa Travel employees will be provided appropriate PPE, including masks, to adhere to CDC recommendations
  • Guests are encouraged to perform a self-health screening prior to arriving at the pickup location for their trip
  • Sanitizing wipes and/or will be available on all buses
  • We are practicing social distancing and additional cleaning protocols at the facilities we visit
  • All Urban Sherpa Travel employees will be required to undergo health screenings before they arrive at work, given their interaction with guests and other employees on our trips

We have implemented an updated daily bus cleaning and disinfecting process, including the following:

  • Utilizing an EPA-approved disinfectant chemical
  • Wiping down of all high-touch surfaces
  • Mopping the floor
  • Wiping down lavatories
  • Applying chemical mist to all surfaces via pump sprayer


Reminders from the Centers for Disease Control

  • The best prevention is not to be exposed to the virus.
  • Stay home when you feel sick.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based (60% alcohol) hand sanitizer.
  • Regularly clean high-touch surfaces with standard household cleaning spray or wipes.

What is your registration/cancellation policy?

  • Pre-register any time before the trip.
  • All walk-ons are cash only, first come, first served.
  • Refunds, minus a 20% or $20 transaction fee which every is greater, are possible for cancellations 72 hours or more in advance of your trip.
  • We regret that refunds will not be given for cancellations within 72 hours the of the trip.
  • No refunds or carry-overs will be given for missed trips.
  • Children under the age of 18 must sign off with our Urban Sherpas, and signed releases for medical attention must be provided to our Urban Sherpas. Download the Minor Permissions Slip >

Does your registration/cancellation policy change for special events?

For certain trips or special events, due to volume-discount pricing, we regret we cannot offer refunds/cancellations as per our normal policy. Purchases are non-refundable and non-transferrable between dates/times. Where this is the case, we display the exception prominently before and during the booking process. Please book your selection carefully!

Where do we pick up our tickets and rentals equipment?

Tickets will be picked up on hill.
Hunter: At the retail ticket window
Windham: At the retail ticket window or Guest Services
Gore: Use the QR code received via email and visit machines on the mountain.

All rentals are arranged on mountain websites, please visit the rental area on hill,

Where do I get on the bus?

In New York, we have two pick-up locations: downtown Corner of 4th ave 14th Street and uptown is 7th Avenue and Broadway in front of the Victory Theatre. Both are accessible by subways or a short cab ride. Please check the individual trip detail page for times.

In Boston, we have two pick-up locations, one at Commonwealth EMS Store and another at Harvard Square. Please check the individual trip detail page for times.

Can I buy a round-trip bus pass, go up one day and come back the next?

No, please purchase a one-way pass for each day.

Can I purchase a one-way bus pass and come back from the mountain to the city?

Yes, no problem, we will hold the seat for you.

Can I ride the same bus as my posse if I board at Union Square and they at Times Square?

Sometimes the bus at Union Square fills and runs directly to the mountains; oftentimes it stops at Time Square. Please try to board at the same location. January and February we will stage buses at both locations; you might have to meet at the mountains.

When do buses run to the mountains?

We have trips Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday to Hunter and Windham mountains. Look for special snow-dump trips and mecca trips.

Which mountain should I ride?

Hunter and Windham are upscale Catskill mountains about two-and-a-half hours out of the city and our most popular sites. Hunter has a party reputation: with two bars and four restaurants there is plenty of room to spread out. Of course you’ll find us at the Copper Tree around 3:00pm. Windham has a smaller lodge and a family feel. Both of these hills are challenging; ride them both and create your own experience and posse.

Mount Snow, Stratton, and Killington are Vermont hills about four hours from the New York City and a little over three from Boston—more vertical, longer runs. Vermont tends to be more challenging, demanding a higher skill level. Stratton has more difficult runs; Mount Snow is probably the best intermediate mountain on the East Coast. We will run to Stratton more often, providing many opportunities for the advanced rider. Killington is a single day motor coach trip.

Jay Peak—there is no other place like Jay. A big-mountain experience on the East Coast, Jay has the terrain and snow like a Colorado slope. It is not unlikely for Jay to get pounded with six feet in a day; it’s called the “Jay effect,” and the glade system is unrivaled. There are few beginners here. We love Jay—it’s a mecca.

Loon and Waterville Valley are our go to mountains out of Boston. If you’re lookn’ for the quickest way to a local hill with generous runs and more snow than you know either mountain is a good bet. Never been to Loon ? Then hop on our Urban Sherpa Express coaches and experience their expansive runs. Need to check out Waterville Valley? Probably the largest hill closest to Boston. Ride one then ski the other but don’t wait our seats are limited.

What type of skier are you?

Determining your ski ability is your responsibility!

Your ski ability, height, weight, age, and boot-sole length are used by the shop to determine the visual indicator settings of your ski bindings. Be sure to provide accurate information, as any error may increase your risk of injury. Consult the skier type descriptions to select your classification. These descriptions are compatible with ASTM and ISO documents.

What is a Type I skier?

Cautious skiing at lower visual indicator settings

  • Prefer slow to moderate speeds
  • Prefer gentle to moderate terrain
  • Receive lower-than-average visual indicator settings (this may increase the risk of inadvertent binding release in order to increase the likelihood of release in a fall)
  • Type I settings apply to entry-level skiers uncertain of their classification
  • Type I- setting apply for skiers who desire visual indicator settings lower than settings for a Type I skier

What is a Type II skier?

Moderate skiing at average visual indicator settings

  • Prefer a variety of speeds
  • Prefer varied terrain
  • Type II settings apply to skiers who do not meet all the descriptions of Type I or Type III classifications

What is a Type III skier?

Aggressive skiing at higher visual indicator settings

  • Prefer fast speeds
  • Prefer steep terrain
  • Receive higher-than-average visual indicator settings (this may reduce the likelihood of release in a fall in order to reduce the risk of inadvertent binding release)
  • Type III+ settings apply for skiers who desire visual indicator settings higher than settings for a Type III skier

How do I select the correct snowboard stance?

Your bindings settings usually follow your batting stance. If you are right-handed and bat right-handed, then you will probably feel most comfortable with your left foot forward (regular). If you are left-handed or bat “lefty,” then you will likely feel right foot forward is more natural (goofy).

These are just guidelines to start. We can help you find the right fit for your ride.

What forms do I need to complete for children attending?

A parent or legal guardian must complete and bring along a Minor Permissions Slip for each child age sixteen (16) and under. Download the Minor Permissions Slip